Tuesday 29 November 2016

Huye Talking To? Week 8

Week 8 – Cravings, Illnesses

What is the point of life if you can’t have Nutella for breakfast or enjoy a decent packet of cheese and onion crisps? By now many of the UK and in-country vols are experiencing serious cravings and I’m talking SERIOUS cravings, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a few UK vols drool at the thought of cheese.

Therefore to help all ya’ll currently reading this we’ve devised a “Craving’s list” to help you come to terms with what you’ll be missing out on. (Items in bold are things you could probably bring with you)

Crips, Falafels, Camembert, Bacon Butties, Domino’s Pizza, Pancakes, Humus, Yorkshire Puddings, Cheese, Olives, Lasagne, Quorn Nugs, Cheesy Garlic bread, Normal Garlic Bread, Sausages, Chocolate, Strawberry Bon-bons, Nachos, Roast dinner, Biscuits, Cheese savoury rolls, Jaffa cakes, Terry's chocolate orange, Dairylea Dunkers, Mustard, Gravy, Proper salad, Proper cuppa tea, Cherry coke, "strong drinks ;)", Apple juice, Orange juice, Mikado sticks, Chilli cheese bites - burger king, KFC, Oreos, Bread that isn't sweet, Warburton’s Toastie Bread, Tiger bread, Multi seeded bread, Vegetarian haggis, Garlic mayo, Kebab, Vegetarian Lasagne, Subways and Fried egg sandwiches. 

Obviously not forgetting other things that we all miss like friends, family, and pets. Some of the in-country volunteers miss being able to use ‘taxi motos’ (motorbikes) and staying out past nine, “and pizza, I miss good pizza” says Messi, (team leader).

One of the in-country team members Pascaline, was recently contracted malaria. Whilst every precaution is taken to make sure the health and well-being of team members is maintained, there’s just no escaping those pesky mosquitos. Pascaline received treatment at the King Faisal, and is regularly taking her medication, it’s safe to say that after that brief scare she is much better.  

Pascaline looking and feeling amazing.

One of our team leaders; Bryony, unfortunately fell unwell and had to take a couple of weeks off the project. She was transferred to King Faisal Hospital in the capital city where she received (in her words) ‘some of the best health care ever!’ She went through phases of having chest pains, sickness, headaches and muscle pain… all symptoms pointed towards Malaria. However, this was not the case. There was word that it could have been pneumonia, tonsillitis, a viral infection, even a tropical disease she may have picked up from her previous trip to India. It all still remains a mystery but whatever medication she had and all the bed rest she was granted resulted in her returning to full health and back in the office as fit as a fiddle.

King Faisal Hospital, Kigali.

A Story by Matt Blood. (Very loosely based on ‘true’ events)

“It was a dark Monday evening, there was a chill in the air as the clouds settled over Huye. Matt was weary from his day at work and decided to wander into the dark streets to clear his head before he settled down to more potatoes, rice and beans. He stepped out of the house and was making his way to the gate when he was accosted by a ferocious beast in the garden. 

The beast, a dog named Bobby, bounded towards our young hero, clawing and biting as he did so. Our heroic protagonist attempted to shield himself from the monstrous figure. “Tokka,” he yelled at the dog, but alas it was too late. The dog had already scraped a tooth along the fabled traveller’s arm, showering the yard with blood and muscle sinew. Quickly, Matt rushed inside and called for a medic. “Is the dog vaccinated?” He asked with a look of terror on his face.

His head dropped as he saw the dejected shakes of the head. He was rushed to hospital, his face whitening as he struggled for consciousness. The blood loss was dramatic and the doctors toiled for hours into the night to close the wound and inject the great warrior with powerful stimulants and anti-rabies vaccines.”

Disclaimer: This was a playful and friendly house dog who merely scratched Matt with his tooth after becoming well acquainted with him. A warning to ALL prospective volunteers: Do not go near any animals no matter how cute or you will incur a warning just like Matt did.

Bryony and Matt feeling much better.

Stay tuned for week 9...

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